Format: Both iOS & Android
Publisher: Disney
Price in AUD (at time of review): Free version reviewed.
In app purchases enabled? Yes- it does ask you to buy things, but you don’t need to in order to enjoy multiple levels of the game. (Thanks little tacker)
Age suitable for: pre-school - adult
How can it support learning? This puzzle game can support problem solving skills and understanding of states of matter.
Curriculum links? AUSVELS: Chemical Sciences foundation-level 6 (pre-school to grade 6)
Fiona and Little Tacker’s Review
Based on the adventures of ‘secret agent Perry the platypus’, from the popular Disney franchise Phineas and Ferb, Where’s My Perry is a puzzle game that gets children (and adults) exploring 3 of the 4 states of matter. By releasing water, and strategically changing it to ice and steam, you need to fill up the water reservior to release Secret Agent Perry from his nemesis Dr Doofenschmirtz. This puzzle game has levels built in, that include ‘garden gnome’ bonuses and ‘secret plan folders’ to encourage you to attempt each puzzle multiple times. I recommend playing this game along side your child/ren and discuss strategies to complete the levels as you progress.
This game is similar to: Where’s my water - swampy the crocodile. Also by Disney
You-tube Trailer:
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